The objective of this project is to empower the Mexican federal law enforcement agency SSP (Secretaria de Securidad Publica) with standardized core competencies in areas of emergency and incident management processes, protocols and operational capabilities. This project also provides a framework for major improvements both operational and technical(Crisis Information Management Systems – CIMS) to plan for, respond to and recover from local and large scale regional disasters, whether natural or man-made. SAI is assisting Government of Mexico (Gobierno de México – GOM) in capacity and institution building to effectively manage incidents/emergencies relating to law enforcement and natural disasters. The project consists of multiple stakeholders within the Mexican government. These major agencies include but not limited to:

- Army (Secretaría de La Defensa Nacional – SEDENA)
- Navy (Secretaria de Marina – SEMAR)
- Bank of Mexico (Banco de Mexico – BANIXCO)
- Mexico National Petroleum (Petroleos Mexicanos – PEMEX)
- Ministry of Interior (Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil – SEGOB)
- Other stakeholders
The project will enable Government of Mexico with the following capabilities:
- Provide coordinated response to disasters of any scale, natural and man-made
- Creation of common (and joint systems) Situational Awareness or Common Operating Picture (COP)
- Automate and enhance real time information sharing among stakeholder agencies
- Command and Control (C2) – before, during and after major incidents
- Enhance operational capabilities via system development and technology insertion
- Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) software tools evaluation and integration
- Support day to day operations and special events
- Enhance overall civil protection capabilities
As a prime contractor, SAI was responsible for the following turnkey project tasks:
- IT System Design
- Software Development and customization
- System Implementation
- System Testing, Training and Documentation
Because of the importance of this high visibility project, it was inaugurated by Mexican president Filipe Calderon. SAI got glowing tributes for their technical and professional achievements by Government of Mexico.